Thursday, May 10, 2007

Whip It Good

I now have a beautiful collection of red lash marks on my body to compliment the varied palette of old and new bruises in shades of blue and yellow. Who needs tattoos when you've inadvertently created your own evolving art work? Though it would be cool and a bit provocative to say I've taken up some sort of whip training as a sidebar to strip aerobics, that's clearly not my style. Nobody will be stuffing dollar bills in the waistband of my old-school sweatpants to see me toss weight around - whip or not.

Just as old-school, the marks where put there by my own clumsy hand thanks to a beaded jumprope. CrossFit Eastside has been playing with double-unders lately and in the hands of the unskilled, the learning process can be punishing. It's one of those tools I know I should add to my tool box but I just don't get around to training. Maybe that's because of the angry welts across my butt.

The first battle is timing the rope rotations to the jump in order to complete two rope passes in one jump. That can be learned fairly quickly with limited abuse to the ankles. The more complex part is stringing them together. Frankly, learning this will cure what ails your jump in general. In my case, I've always been heavy on the toes. This won't work for double unders and the reeducation will change my technique across the board. For this reason, I invite you to play along:

50 Double Unders for Time
String them together as best you can, note the longest unbroken set